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Spiegel Bird Dogs


Family-Owned Business

Our dogs are beloved members of our family.  I've trained many hunters over the years, always striving for excellence.  With Piper, I have enjoyed the hunt trial experience and her outstanding performance.



I started bird hunting in 1976 in a Michigan aspen thicket chasing Pat (ruffed grouse). As a boy, I took a box of 12 gauge shells and, after about two hours, had 25 empty shells and zero birds! But that only sparked the fire in me for bird hunting. For those who have studied the ruffed grouse population in Michigan, you may have seen the year-to-year counts with 1976 as the peak year of all time. That year I just walked along without any dog and shot at many birds. Since the 1970s, ruffed grouse populations have plummeted. I found that I needed a good bird dog to be successful. So 30 years ago, I started my gun dog journey. 


In the past 30 years, I have trained and finished five bird dogs. My most recent is Piper. Piper is a special dog with Dark Nite “Joe” and Peter Gunn “Pete” in her pedigree. While all my bird dogs have also been cherished companion pets, Piper is the ultimate partner in both the field and the home. 


In the fall of 2022, Piper passed five of six AKC Master Hunt Tests, scoring 8s, 9s, and even a 10. During one test, a gunner asked me if he could buy a puppy out of Piper. An AKC Hunt Test gunner obviously sees hundreds (thousands?) of bird dogs. It was quite the compliment to Piper when the gunner texted me his number, so that I have his information for future litters. I decided I must have a next generation from this special dog. 


To have the best litter possible, I searched all the Brittany studs I could find. After an extensive interview, Lucky's owner agreed that Lucky should be the stud dog for Piper's breeding. Lucky is already an AKC Champion (CH) and is backed by three national champions and several dual champions (see his pedigree, it is incredible!). I am very excited to have a Brittany litter with the backing of Dark Nite “Joe”, Peter Gunn “Pete”, and the sire of Lucky Number Seven “Lucky.” This breeding will produce some outstanding bird dogs, and I am convinced the most loving pets possible. If you are interested in Piper's puppies, be ready for a dog whose goal in life is to:

hunt birds and please you. 

Brittany gun dog
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